Sunday, March 2, 2008

Iron Horse-Dublin Grade (49 miles)

This route is similar to the Oakland Yellowjackets' Dublin Grade route that goes counter clockwise over the Dublin grade and then heads north up to Walnut Creek. This reverse route begins in Orinda and heads south to Dublin as if on the Palomares route, but then turns west at Pleasanton and heads over the Dublin grade to Castro Valley. From there it's a quick jaunt through CV, up past Lake Chabot, and then over to San Leandro BART.

I had wanted to do the Dublin grade this weekend, since I hadn't done it in forever. But the weathermarroons had predicted gusty winds from the north, so by reversing the route and going clockwise, I was able to have a tailwind for 30 miles and only deal with the northerly headwinds briefly near the end of the route. Aren't I smart?

Nothing too remarkable on the ride, but it was nice to see the foothills so green. All the trees are in full spring bloom, as are my allergies. I hate having to blow snot rockets every few miles, because I find it disgusting. But on the other hand, if I'm having to blow my nose every 10 minutes, think of the kleenex I would go through on a 5 hour ride. There's a serious environmental impact to consider.

Animules: some horses
Total Distance: 49 miles
Elevation gain: about 2000 feet
Time in the Saddle: 3 hours 47 minutes
Route (on Iron Horse-Dublin Grade

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