Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Upcoming Tour in the Adirondacks – routes

Have I mentioned that I’m going to the Adirondacks the first week of July for some cycling? I may not have, since R did pretty much all the planning for the trip (thanks R!). Even though all I really have to do is show up, I feel compelled to do some amount of analysis of the routes. Some people like to be surprised, they enjoy spontaneity and the unknown. Not me; I like to know what I’m getting myself into. So, I ended up plotting a few of the possible routes using Bikely.com. All these routes are based on the book 25 Bicycle Tours in the Adirondacks.

North Creek vicinity (our base camp, or base B&B rather):

The Lakes of Chester
About 38 miles and 2600 feet of climbing.

Teddy’s Trail
One of the two longer routes at about 80 miles and about 5000 ft (?) of climbing. Bikely.com is crapping out on the elevation profile at the moment for this one.

Reverse Speculator
This route was already plotted on bikely. It’s the same as the “Speculator” route from the book, but in the reverse direction. 75 miles and 4100 feet of climbing (seems like hardly any elevation gain at all for that long of a ride).

Only 17 miles and about 1500 feet, but looks like lots of rollers from the elevation profile.

Lake George vicinity

Bolton Landing
30 miles, 2400 feet of climbing. Seems like a nice relatively relaxing tour.

Lake Luzerne
38 miles, 2750 feet of climbing.

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